Sallyteach typing lessons

Touch typing is a highly effective communication tool for dyslexic users. As a parent, you can give your child the gift of touch typing which will benefit them for the whole of their lives.

Touch typing allows all children, but particularly those who have Dyslexia, learning difficulties or learning disabilities to focus on the higher order skills of creative thinking.


It frees up precious mental time for them to plan, compose and edit their writing because they don’t need to think about typing the words… their fingers do it automatically!


This is critical for children with dyslexia, dysgraphia and other learning difficulties or learning disabilities, as they often have very slow processing skills.


This means that they tire more easily than regular children because they need to work that much harder to achieve the same goals.


This is why Touch Typing is so important for your child if they do have learning difficulties.

Starting them early in the primary school and they will be able to wow their friends and teachers with their seemingly effortless typing prowess!


This will increase their self-confidence which is always at the forefront of the Sallyteach program and prepare them for the increased demands of upper primary school, secondary school and beyond.


Sallyteach teaches children 8 years and over to touch type using the online program Touch Type Read and Spell (TTRS).


Sally believes the earlier the better and this is the age where motor skills for young children have developed the dexterity needed for proficient key board skills.


Touch-Type Read and Spell has been designed specifically for dyslexic children and children who have learning difficulties or learning disabilities.


It is multi-sensory in its approach, your child will see the letters on the screen, hear the sounds over the headset and touch the keys with their fingers.


Keyboards are covered from the first lesson and kinesthetic learning (muscle memory) develops when they practise typing the letters and words patterns using their fingers.


In addition, word recognition and spelling are enhanced through hearing and seeing the words on screen.


Touch typing lessons are once a week in a small group setting for one hour with 1.5 hours practise to be done at home during the week.