Sally’s program teaches literacy through systematic, synthetic phonics using a multi-sensory approach to learning.
She utilises the visual, kinesthetic and auditory channels to teach children how to read, spell and write.
Your child’s program will consist of a combination of best practise methodologies from around the world which are data based and have been proven to be effective.
These include Alpha to Omega, Phonics International, Agility with Sound, MSL, Word Shark and Stepsweb, all of which are phonics based and suited to children who have learning difficulties, learning disabilities or dyslexia.
They are highly repetitive, systematic and build upon prior knowledge in small sequential steps which children progress onto only when they have consolidated this previous knowledge.
Lessons are dynamic, full of stimulating and enjoyable activities designed to engage your child so as learning is fun!
Children are encouraged to get up and move around the room to aid their concentration and to maximise their engagement, many a time we may throw 10 hoops or do 15 star-jumps to ensure we are switched onto learning!
Teacher modelling is essential and children are given support to learn a new concept before being asked to demonstrate this concept by themselves.