What is Sallyteach?

Sallyteach is a private, educational practice specialising in teaching Literacy to young children who have learning difficulties, learning disabilities or who have been diagnosed with dyslexia.

Your child may have one or a combination of learning difficulties which affect their ability to learn and shine in the classroom environment.

This may be attributed to Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Dysgraphia, Auditory processing problems, or behavioural issues.

But this doesn’t have to mean your child falls behind in their learning. They may have just missed out on the basic building blocks necessary for them to achieve effective reading, writing and spelling skills. That’s where Sallyteach can help.

I meet children everyday who have experienced issues arising from them struggling to learn in the classroom environment.

They may feel sad and confused about why it is so hard for them to learn when they keep on trying and why it is so easy for their friends.

They may avoid reading and writing at home because things are difficult and they haven’t been given the strategies to overcome problems they are encountering.

When I meet a new child I am always surprised at how they open up and embrace support once it is offered to them and they realise that they can succeed.

I do a full assessment across all areas of literacy – reading, writing and spelling. This enables me to identify exactly where your child is having difficulty and to plan an effective program targeting the areas of concern.

A personalised learning plan is developed to build the necessary skills in reading, writing and spelling supplemented by a targeted homework program.

Classroom teachers and other specialists are liaised with to ensure a full picture of your child emerges and we work together during your child’s time at Sallyteach.

The struggling, unsure child who comes to our first session blossoms into a child who loves learning and who finds coming to Sallyteach a positive and enjoyable part of their week.

The strategies and knowledge they have learned in our one on one sessions enables them to move forward and succeed in their literacy and feel good about their learning.

Sallyteach achieves results!